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第五届WODC主赛场 5th WODC Competition Venue 今日: 9 |主题: 203|排名: 1 

例如:A+D 游戏名


1、This section is only for submissions of the 5th WODC competition. Please move to the Board game design section for other content.
2、Title format:"Submission Track Type”+ "Name of Submission"
For example: A + D + Name of your submission
Note: [Name of your submission] should be similar to the name in your entry form.
Please pick the right subject as the type of your submission when you post.
3、You may edit your thread to update your submission.
Please write down the latest version and date after your update to let the judges and other participants be aware of them.
4、During the preliminary round, each participant must comment on at least ten entries (excluding his or her own submissions) to qualify for the semi-finals.
Please be nice and respect all fellow designers alike at all times.
5、If you need any help, please post your questions to the sticky thread “Event Q&A”.
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
隐藏置顶帖 [版务 Announcement] 赛事答疑贴 Event Q&A 睡不醒的虾米 2024-1-24 109309 abajuzid 昨天 21:22
隐藏置顶帖 [版务 Announcement] To designers from outside of overseas 睡不醒的虾米 2024-1-29 57583 owigiwo 昨天 04:09
隐藏置顶帖 [版务 Announcement] “激发灵感,引路原创” —— 本届WODC评委组公开! 睡不醒的虾米 2024-3-13 13866 unknowhark 2024-3-13 21:04
[聚会游戏 Lighter games] 【A+D】史诗雪球大战  ...23456..7 王一丁 2024-3-16 609047 2820696077 半小时前
[中重度策略游戏 Heavier games] 【B】揭阳(原:精灵世纪) reedify 2024-3-18 8840 feng_neng 1 小时前
[聚会游戏 Lighter games] A+赛博足球  ...2 1035026756 2024-3-10 232029 nutibubuuric 1 小时前
[中重度策略游戏 Heavier games] 【B+D】山,野行!  ...2 wildcan 2024-3-20 14725 feng_neng 1 小时前
[中重度策略游戏 Heavier games] 【B】一起来修仙 (The immortal one)  ...234 拂兰爵 2024-3-5 332650 uyahebeqikaxu 3 小时前
[九卡游戏 Nine-Card games] 【C+D】鍵盤戰士(NEW)  ...23 Perryng 2024-2-26 222106 Perryng 5 小时前
[九卡游戏 Nine-Card games] 【C】跳山羊  ...23 观月兰 2024-3-18 232027 feng_neng 11 小时前
[中重度策略游戏 Heavier games] 【B+D】子学时代 (Age of Academies)  ...2345 没错是在下抄的 2024-2-29 444934 efafoyiiu 13 小时前
[中重度策略游戏 Heavier games] 【B】Copper And Tin New tougao 3 天前 1188 hockleonggoh 昨天 22:42
[中重度策略游戏 Heavier games] B+D 《黔坤》  ...2 王子兮 2024-3-19 171265 王子兮 昨天 21:20
[中重度策略游戏 Heavier games] 【B+D】家里蹲大作战  ...2 feng_neng 2024-3-20 15918 睡不醒的虾米 昨天 18:22
[中重度策略游戏 Heavier games] 【B】西夏志  ...23 麦兹 2024-3-18 201538 uyiguure 昨天 16:50
[中重度策略游戏 Heavier games] 【B】斗擂奇谭  ...2 游狼 2024-3-4 161443 feng_neng 昨天 15:52
[中重度策略游戏 Heavier games] B+D 萌宠圈圈乐 sisterma 2024-3-16 6743 feng_neng 昨天 15:43
[聚会游戏 Lighter games] 【A】译电员  ...234 smogsuper 2024-2-19 593103 smogsuper 昨天 11:44
[聚会游戏 Lighter games] 【A+D】奥利维亚的信物  ...2 xun0128 2024-3-20 13607 atixovgociqi 昨天 10:50
[中重度策略游戏 Heavier games] 【B+D】厨星  ...2 win3293 2024-1-31 193850 otubooqayu 昨天 06:48
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